2024 Carnival Nights Forever First Class Postage Stamps


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Experience the thrills of Carnival Nights with this colorful pane of stamps in 2024.

Whether young or young at heart, everyone loves spending a summer evening at a carnival. The stomach-twisting thrill rides, the indulgent snacks and sweets, and the general spirit of light-hearted fun make America’s carnivals and fairs a place for visitors of any age to enjoy.

Ten unique stamps in a pane of 20 feature images that convey the energy and color of a summer carnival at night. A panoply of rides is shown in vibrant neon hues against the black, night sky. Fireworks burst from behind a panorama of lights, and a row of glittering amusement booths invite passers-by to try their luck.

The sights, sounds, and smells of a carnival at night all combine to create a magical experience that is hard to replicate anywhere else. Whether you’re a thrill-seeker looking for an adrenaline rush or a family looking to create lasting memories, there is something for everyone.

Art director Greg Breeding designed the stamps using existing photographs.

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Issue Year


Mail Service

First-Class Mail

Product Type

Forever 66¢


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